The Joyful Mysteries:
Monday, Thursday; & Sundays of Advent, & Sundays from Epiphany
until Lent.
1. The Annunciation
The coming of Jesus is announced by the Angel Gabriel
2. The Visitation
Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth
3. The Nativity
Jesus is born
4. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Jesus is presented to God at the temple
5. Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple
Jesus is found in the temple after three days of searching
The Sorrowful Mysteries:
Tuesday, Friday; & the Sundays during Lent.
1. The Agony in the Garden
Jesus prays to the Father in the Garden of Olives
2. The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar
Jesus is beaten and whipped
3. The Crowning with Thorns
The guards mocking Jesus place a crown of thorns on his head
4. The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus carries to cross to Calvery
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord on the Cross
Jesus dies upon the cross
The Glorious Mysteries:
Wednesday, Saturday; & the Sundays from Easter until Advent.
1. The Resurrection
Jesus rises from the dead
2. The Ascension
Jesus returns from Heaven
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Jesus sends the Holy Spirit among the Apostles
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
Mary is taken to heaven
5. The Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth
Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven

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