Fourth Joyful Mystery

When the days were completed
for their purification
according to the laws of Moses,
they took him up to Jerusalem
to present him to the Lord.

Luke 2, 22

We picture Mary and Joseph bringing their infant to the Temple.
They thank God for their baby and promise to love and cherish him.

An old man named Simeon was led to the temple by the Holy Spirit.
The spirit had promised Simeon that he would not die until he had seen Christ the Lord.
When Simeon saw the Holy Family coming into the Temple
he took Jesus in his arms and blessed God by saying

"Now Master Let your servant go in peace
according to your word,
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared in sight of all the peoples
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and glory for your people of Isreal.

May we see what he saw.
Give us eyes of faith, O Lord.
Renew our hope, reward our waiting
and fill our hearts with joy.

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